Latest Episodes

Session 12 - The Final Judgment and the Everlasting Kingdom
The Millennial Kingdom ends with the final judgement. Every person who has ever lived has chosen life or death and those who have not...

Session 11 - Characteristics of the Millennial Kingdom
This session of the seminar looks at the future Kingdom of Christ on the earth. It clarifies who will live in the Millennial Kingdom...

Session 9 - Tribulation in the Book of Revelation (continued)
This session explores the Babylonian religion’s spread in its various forms all over the face of the earth as the earth’s inhabitants adulterate themselves...

Session 8 - Tribulation in the Book of Revelation (continued)
This session covers the pouring out of the bowls of God’s wrath. Lucifer loses his position in the air and his anger is kindled...

Session 7 - Tribulation in the Book of Revelation (continued)
This session takes a close look at the seven years preceding the Day of the Lord and explains how this seven-year period was determined...

Session 6 - Tribulation in the Book of Revelation
This session expounds on the Seal, Trumpet, Thunder, and Bowl Judgements during the period of the Tribulation and examines the devastation that will occur...