This session expounds on the Seal, Trumpet, Thunder, and Bowl Judgements during the period of the Tribulation and examines the devastation that will occur on the earth and its population. The listener is encouraged to accept the literal truth of the details and not be swayed by placing human understanding or speculative interpretations on the book.
Verses: Matt. 24:22; 25:31-33; Rev. 7:9-17; 8:1-13; 9:1-21; 10:1-4; Isa. 13:9, 12; 24:1-3, 5-6; 49:8, 10; Gen. 4:11-12; Lev. 18:8-9, 21-28
Teacher: John Schoenheit
This session of the seminar looks at the future Kingdom of Christ on the earth. It clarifies who will live in the Millennial Kingdom...
This session compares end times prophecies in the books of Revelation and Matthew. It explores reasons to accept the Book of Revelation literally and...
Continuing from Session 1, this session gives more clarification to the differences between Israel and the Church of the Body. Topics discussed include salvation,...