This session explores the Babylonian religion’s spread in its various forms all over the face of the earth as the earth’s inhabitants adulterate themselves against God. Discussion begins on the one world government and one world religion. Details of the Battle of Armageddon and who comprises the armies of the Lord are introduced in this session.
Verses: Rev. 16:17-21; 17:1-18; 18:1-24; 19:1-16; Zech. 5:5-11
Teacher: John Schoenheit
This session of the seminar looks at the future Kingdom of Christ on the earth. It clarifies who will live in the Millennial Kingdom...
This session expounds on the Seal, Trumpet, Thunder, and Bowl Judgements during the period of the Tribulation and examines the devastation that will occur...
This is the introductory session to the seminar, The Book of Revelation. It covers an overview of millennial positions, rapture positions, and reasons to...